Kotlin Generic

Kotlin Generic
Generic What is Generic in Java or Kotlin? What is Invariance, Convariance, and Contravariance? I have been asking those things for a long day. So, we’re gonna dive into “Generic” in Kotlin. There are a lot of concepts that we have to know. We’re gonna break down those concepts. Before we dive into it, we have to know what Derived type is. This is an important term if you don’t know it.
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Make Personal Blog with Hugo and Github pages

Make Personal Blog with Hugo and Github pages
Integrate Hugo with Github pages Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. You can install hugo on your local easily and deploy it as a static site on Github pages. Install Hugo on your local Before we jump right into the installation, I only write about the installation on Mac OS. If you want to know how to install Windows, or Linux, please refer to the official documentation.
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What is redirection in OS

What is redirection in OS
What is redirection in OS? Have you heard about redirection in OS? If not then this article is for you. In this article, we will learn about redirection in OS. Introduce Standard Input, Output, and Error The photo is from here Initially, The I/O only happened through a physically connected system console. (input via keyboard, output via monitor), As time passed, the I/O devices(input via mouse, or touch-pad, etc) were added to the system.
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What is user mode and kernel mode?

What is user mode and kernel mode?
What is Kernel in Linux? What is the Linux kernel? It might be challenging to answer if you haven’t delved into this concept. When we decide to study the kernel, sometimes we find it exhausting due to the amount of information we need to grasp about the operating system. So, I’m going to provide a brief introduction to the kernel and show you an example written in Go. How does process access to file?
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Why Java Stream API use int type, not a byte type?

Why Java Stream API use int type, not a byte type?
Java bytes When you are working with I/O in Java, you may have heard about bytes. What it used for? and Why do we need to know about it when we are working with I/O in Java? In this article, we will learn about bytes in Java. Let’s get started. How Java’s numeric types work? First of all, We have to know about what byte in the java is. The byte is primitive type in Java.
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